U-Pick Blueberries

grown just for you

closed for the season

Sorry, we’re closed. Check back with us next July for available picking times.


At Pickablue Farm, we take pride in offering a wide selection of delicious, organically grown blueberries. Our eight classic highbush blueberry varieties have the perfect organically grown blueberry to satisfy every palate. Click the link above to find the variety that suits your taste!


Let us create a stunning array of fresh cut flowers, cut right from our own gardens. Bursting with vibrant colors, intoxicating scents, our homegrown blooms are sure to add beauty to your home.


Our Homemade Blueberry Jam is a labor of love. Made from hand-picked blueberries straight from our own field, it is a delightful blend of sweetness and tanginess. Each jar is carefully prepared in small batches, ensuring that you receive the highest quality blueberry jam every time, bursting with flavor. Whether you spread it on warm toast, swirl it into your yogurt, or use it in your favorite recipes, our Blueberry Jam will become an instant staple at your table. It makes a great gift for others as well.